AI For Real Demo Day

An opportunity to demo you AI solution

"Demo Day: Your AI Solution Demystified, Your Vision Amplified."This is a platform where developers who have created AI products, services or solutions demonstrate how they actually work. It's a chance to present your AI directly to potential users and explain its functionality in detail*.


"Coral AI" Document Summarizer

Seamlessly upload any PDF – textbooks, contracts, financial documents, and more. Gain deeper insights by asking questions about your document. Search effortlessly using full sentences, not just keywords. Break language barriers with translation in 90+ languages.

Reserved for Demo

Your Product Could Be Here

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Your AI Product Could Be Here

What's Demo Day All About

Introducing the 'AI for Real Demo Day' - your chance to showcase and explain how your groundbreaking AI solution or product actually works.More often than not, makers and developers do not give enough importance to product demos. Even if they do, it's not a priority. But AI is a difficult tech, and users need to understand how a particular AI product or solution actually works before placing the order. That's where 'AI For Real Demo Day' comes in. For a limited (or extended) period of time, AI developers can present their innovative AI product, service, or solution to a diverse audience of potential users. This can be by way of flowcharts, videos, PDF or any other method. Whether you're revolutionizing healthcare, transforming transportation, reshaping retail, or any other industry for that matter, this is your chance to shine. (We may even go to "live" demos as an additional option, depending on the response.)Secure your spot now and take advantage of early bird offers before they're gone! Don't wait - this is a fee-based service, so sign up today to ensure your place in this exciting event. Also, developers must sign up for our free online community "AI For Real" to book their slot on Demo Day.

Sed feugiat

Mauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, lorem sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget amet interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus tempor. Donec sagittis suscipit porta. Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex sed nisl eleifend magna nisl et magna feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus tempor. Donec sagittis suscipit porta. Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla sed interdum.Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, pellentesque sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus sagittis suscipit porta.

Nisl blandit

Mauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, lorem sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget amet interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus tempor. Donec sagittis suscipit porta. Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex sed nisl eleifend magna nisl et magna feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus tempor. Donec sagittis suscipit porta. Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla sed interdum.Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, pellentesque sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus sagittis suscipit porta.